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Zoom Instructions

Zoom Participant Guide 

Zoom is a web conferencing solution that provides both video conferencing and screen-sharing capabilities. Its high-quality and easy to use format has made it a great choice for the WCSSAA. 

If you’re experiencing issues with Zoom, after reading this guide, please contact us at Additional documentation is available via the Zoom online knowledge base: 


What You Need To Get Started 
  • An internet connected computer, laptop, or mobile device

  • Your meeting ID #

  • A webcam (often this is built into your computer), computer microphone, headset or ear buds (if you’re participating with a laptop)

  • A phone (if you’re unable to receive audio via your computer, laptop, or device) 


How to Launch Zoom and Participate in Your Meeting 

When you’re invited to participate in a Zoom meeting, you’ll receive instructions similar to what you see below. You can either click on the link provided, or go to the Zoom web site at and click on “Join a Meeting” where you can enter the 9 or 10-digit Meeting ID number. Audio is integrated in the meeting. However, you have the option to participate via audio-only if a web connected device is not available.


While You’re Waiting for the Meeting to Begin 

You’ll be presented with the following screen if the host hasn’t started the meeting at the time you join. We recommend that you check your audio settings while waiting for the meeting to start. 

Furthermore, we recommend that laptop users participate with a headset to avoid audio feedback.


Join By Computer Audio 

Once you join the meeting you will be asked whether you want to join using your computer audio or join by using your phone.

If you’re using your computer microphone you MUST click the green button to join audio by computer. No one on the call will be able to hear you until you click this button. 

If for some reason you do not see this window pop up, look for the small green arrow on the bottom left in the tool bar asking you to Join Audio. 

If your computer does not have a microphone you can join by phone using the toll number given to you in the invite. 


The Zoom Menu Bar 

The Zoom menu bar appears at the bottom of the Zoom window once the meeting begins. If you don’t see the menu bar, move your mouse slightly and the bar will appear. (The bar disappears after a few seconds when in full-screen mode.) 

You can:

  1. Mute/unmute your microphone

  2. Choose your microphone settings

  3. Mute/unmute your video camera

  4. Select video settings

  5. Invite more people to join by email, IM, SMS (mobile users)

  6. View a list of participants

  7. Share your screen (everything you have open) or select a specific application to share (e.g., Microsoft Excel)

  8. Send a chat message to one person (private chat) or to all participant

  9. Record the meeting (Host only, unless you have been granted permission)

  10. Leave or end the video meeting


Audio and Video Mute and Unmute 

During a session you might be asked to mute your microphone until you have a question or comment.
This helps to minimize background noise and audio feedback. Mute your audio by clicking on the microphone icon located in the lower left-hand corner of the menu bar. You can mute your video by clicking on camera icon as well.


Audio Settings 

By clicking on the small carrot next to the microphone icon, you can choose your microphone and speaker settings. It normally defaults to your built-in microphone and speakers but you can select any other microphone or speakers you have plugged in to your computer.


Testing Your Speakers 

By clicking on the audio icon you can test your speakers to make sure they are working and you can hear others. Once you click on the “Test Speaker” button music will play through your speakers until you press stop. If you do not hear music playing please make sure you have the right audio output selected in the drop down menu to the right. 

You can also select your microphone from the drop down menu and see your microphone input level.



The chat feature provides the ability to send instant messages during the session. You can send a private chat to one person or message to everyone. 

  1. Click on “Chat”: 

  2. Type a message and press “Enter” on your keyboard to send. Messages are sent to all participants by default. You can message an individual participant via private chat by selecting the individual’s name on the left column. 


Leaving the Meeting 

At the end of the meeting when you are finished click the “Leave Meeting” button to log off.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

 Malvolio, Twelfth Night

Wellesley College Shakespeare Society

Alumnae Association

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