At this year's annual meeting on Saturday June 4, elections will be held for the following positions -
Board President (currently held by Leah Hamilton-French)
Householder (currently held by Sarah Moazeni)
In addition, a volunteer for the new role of Vice Treasurer will be announced.
Below are the descriptions for the open positions. If you have questions or would like to submit your nomination, please reach out to us at Nominations are due May 15, so that we can post the slate of candidates to the website prior to our annual meeting. For those who cannot attend the annual meeting in person, a remote voting option will be offered.
Board President:
In accordance with the Constitution of the Wellesley College Shakespeare Society Alumnae Association: The President shall preside over Executive Board meetings, the Annual Business Meeting, maintain liaison with the Undergraduate Society and act as the Executive Director of the Alumnae Association. In addition, the President shall:
Live near Wellesley College
Lead all Executive Board meetings
Provide guidance to the Undergraduate Society President and Executive Board
Write an annual letter to all Shakespeare Alumnae and oversee mailing to WCSSAA
Serve as key liaison for Society and Alumnae Association with Wellesley College offices
Is responsible for the care and preservation of our House:
Lives near Wellesley College
Checks in regularly with the undergraduates (in person at least twice per semester) regarding the physical status, care, and treatment of the House. Reports updates to the Alumnae Board.
Meets with the newly-elected undergraduate Housekeeper at the start of the semester to go over the basics of caring for the House. Checks in at the end of the semester to ensure proper House closing procedure prior to College winter session and summer breaks.
Knows and can quickly get in touch with the important contacts at the Wellesley College Maintenance Department and the Physical Plan
Is consistently and promptly available as needed by the undergraduates
Is attentive and works to prevent any problems with the House before they occur
Collaborates with the Archivist to maintain important furniture, books, and House “treasures”
Assistant Treasurer:
In an effort to de-mystify and increase the accessibility of the role of Treasurer, we are creating the role of an Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer will train the Assistant Treasurer over the course of a year in:
Understanding the Alum Society’s finances
Basic bookkeeping and nonprofit accounting practices
Preparation of annual financial statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet)
Understanding the Society’s legal and non profit status
Procedure and preparation of the Alum Society’s tax returns
Becoming an additional custodian of the Alum Society and Undergraduate Society’s accounts
After serving a 1-year term, the Assistant Treasurer is expected to then either (1) be in charge of the training of a new Assistant Treasurer or (2) run for the position of Treasurer. All interested parties are encouraged to apply, regardless of past financial experience.
2. advantageous to have a year of “training”/overlap for a new Treasurer, as there is a lot to learn. Anyone who is interested is running for Treasurer in the future, please contact Melissa Chu at 2